当前位置 美剧网 《他忽然加快了速度吼叫起来》在线观看HD中文字幕电影免费不卡日韩欧美视频


帕里恰(帕特里夏·德查诺·古德 Patricia Tanchanok Good 饰)深深的爱着自己的男友崔恩(扎隆·索纳特 Jaron Sorat 饰),哪知道这个无情的男人竟然抛弃了她,选择和别的女人携手步入婚姻的殿堂。不仅如此,此时此刻的帕里恰腹中已经怀上了崔恩的孩子,悲痛之中,帕里恰打掉了孩子。  无法接受如此悲惨的命运的帕里恰想要结束自己年轻的生命,在紧要关头,她的姐姐和姐夫成为了帕里恰生命里最后的救赎。最终,帕里恰放弃了寻死,出国深造,并且在多年之后回到国内,想尽一切方法接近崔恩,她想要实行她的复仇计划。崔恩的内弟发现了帕里恰的动机不纯,他决定挺身而出,保护自己的姐姐和姐夫。
The action of the film takes place in 1943. The title character is a cosmopolitan and incapable of deeper feelings seducer. In Poland, he lost his entire family. Alone - being in the heart of Nazi Germany - he hides his Jewish origins and often eludes death. He works as a waiter in the restaurant of an exclusive hotel and carelessly enjoys all the charms of life surrounded by luxury, beautiful women and friends from all over Europe. However, when the war begins to take a bloody toll on those closest to him, the intricately built world that surrounds him crumbles like a house of cards.


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