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「白鸟谷」是曾制作过「守望先锋」官方动画「末日铁拳」的狼烟动画与「大护法」导演 不思凡合作的作品,曾荣获2017年法国昂西动画电影节儿童评委短片奖。该片美术风格亮眼,描绘的是主角在追寻白鸟的过程中直面内心阴暗的,最后获得新生的故事。
Spiff and Hercules is the English translation of a French comic strip titled Pif et Hercule, featuring an anthropomorphic brown-yellow dog ("Pif") and a black-white cat ("Hercule") who, despite being best friends, are constantly fighting in a friendship/hate relationship. The character of Pif was created by José Cabrero Arnal for the French Communist Party newspaper L'Humanité on March 28, 1948, and the cat Hercules was introduced two years later.  The adventures of Pif also appeared in the British communist newspaper the Daily Worker (later The Morning Star) until the mid-1970s.  Spiff later got his own magazine ("Pif Gadget"), which was very popular as not only did it include several different comic strips, but offered a toy gadget in each issue.  Hercules also got his own version of Spiff's magazine, this one called "Super Hercule", but his magazine was more joke-oriented.  A series of 65 26-minute animated cartoons featuring the characters was produced in 1989 by Europe Images/M5 in France. Each program consisted of two episodes. United Kingdom television station Channel 4 aired the series in 1993.
现在,『进化果实』真·进化!!  被欺凌的高中生·柊诚一在某一天突然被传送到了一个「异世界」。在那里吃下了谜之果实“进化果实”,唤起了奇迹。本来又胖又丑的他,居然变成了超帅气的作弊体质!猩猩凯撒莎莉娅、冒险者阿尔托莉亚、驴子露璐妮、暗杀者欧莉嘉……俘虏众多美女芳心,诚一进入异世界胜利人生组。  现在他迎来新的转机!他被邀请为名校·巴巴多尔魔法学园的教师。诚一的使命就是成为学园的救世主。可……在那里等着的却是让美人教师都头痛的问题学生!  同时,魔神教团终于出动!他们为了复活魔神而暗中活动,诚一与从未有过的强敌的战斗即将拉开帷幕!诚一能不能保护好学园、异世界、还有放送信号呢!?现在『进化果实』真·进化!!  不过女主角,这次仍是大猩猩♡


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