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Sensing danger surrounding her sister Carrie-Louise (Penelope Wilton - Calendar Girls, Doctor Who), Ruth Van Rydock (Joan Collins) enlists the help of old friend Miss Marple. However, after Carrie-Louise’s beloved step-brother is murdered during a dress rehearsal of an amateur stage show, Miss Marple has to draw from her deep understanding of human character in order to unpick the conjuring trick played out by the murderer, and reveal their identity.  They Do It With Mirrors stars Julia McKenzie as Miss Marple and features a rich ensemble cast, including Joan Collins, Brian Cox (The Bourne Supremacy, Zodiac), Elliot Cowan (Lost in Austen, Happy-Go-Lucky) and Alexei Sayle (The Young Ones).
《龙腾盛世大湾区——2024粤港澳大湾区春节晚会》以“东方苍龙”为序章,设“云起龙骧”“龙游湾区”“龙腾四海”三大篇章,邀请到陈思思、东山少爷、开心麻花团队、阮兆祥、温拿乐队、吴彤、温碧霞、伍咏薇、周柏豪、张翰、曾小敏等艺人或团队合力助阵,通过歌曲、舞蹈、小品、武术、魔术等艺术形式,呈现龙腾盛世大湾区的祥瑞胜景 ,将广东高质量发展的喜人成果、大湾区鲜活多元的美好图景,呈现给海内外观众。
還記得金趙光壽這個名字?這位韓國同志電影大導繼《同一天台上》(2021) 和《兩個婚禮一個葬禮》(2012) 之後,以《大叔的愛》的韓國oppa 版再度征服香港一眾腐女腐男!這套 《職場新仔》男男戀電影改編自韓國人氣網絡小說和得獎網絡漫畫,講述大學畢業小鮮肉于盛賢(文志溶 飾)初出茅廬緊張工作表現,渴望取悅頂頭上司金鍾燦(權赫 飾),但上司要求嚴格,唯有更加努力博取青睞。精誠所至,金石為開,上司最後深受感動,並幫助他事業上扶搖直上。可是,二人真正想要的是事業還是男朋友?還是想兩者兼得?

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