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本美术片为水墨剪纸片,编剧为黄新心,动作设计为吴云初、伍中文,背景设计为尹口羊,与其时的政治形势有关联。  秀秀和葵葵两姐弟均是红小兵,葵葵在自家后屋发现一只竹笋,兴奋地告诉了外婆,听完外婆“按老规矩长在谁家就归谁”的话后,他期盼着竹笋快快长,好让全家人早些尝鲜,并设法不让秀秀知道屋里有笋,可是由于举动奇怪,仍被秀秀得知了。秀秀询问过妈妈后,认为竹笋应归集体,为此她和葵葵发生争吵。其后,秀秀说往事讲道理,使葵葵明白到外婆的话也不一定正确,提高了认识,与此同时,外婆的“旧思想”也受到触动。
After his best friend Kevin commits suicide, John decides his life needs a change and he spontaneously heads off to Europe to follow Kevin's muse Solange, a minor pop music diva and eccentric B-movie actress. As the odd pair become embroiled in a world of sex, drugs, and murder the boundaries of trust start to wear thin and John begins to wonder whether Solange is the victim of a bizarre lifestyle or its mastermind. Shot on location in Europe and featuring a killer soundtrack, Todd Verow's most recent film is an homage to 80's cinema and a fun installment in the prolific director's portfolio

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