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The workers of a self-managed tea factory decide to go against the grain and play by their own rules. The problem is, how can you plan, work and survive in a world driven by ruthless competition? One day at a time, for instance. In a world ruled by profit and dominated by the exploitation of the weaker ones, the film literally offers an alternative set of ways about how to think our future and the means and tools to work for it. It is not an easy job but, as Taste of Hope carefully and precisely shows, there is still a lot that can be done if we change our relationship to production and labor. Instead of making grand gestures or political statements, the filmmaker works with the camera and with a thoughtful editing in order to understand how to weave together new possibilities of communal existence. The result is a superbly crafted observational exercise. A little manual of self-defense and resistance in the face of a neoliberalism that wishes for workers to keep their heads down. A taste of hope indeed.
知名建筑设计师森谷帝二这日邀请新一参加在他府上举办的茶会,柯南只得电话拜托小兰。柯南、小兰及毛利小五郎三人未入森府,已被绝对对称的宏伟建筑吸引。衣香鬓影的茶会上,森谷帝二令人诧异地大声攻击年轻设计师,讲建筑的美学准则要被他们破坏殆尽。柯南在规定时间内将他出给众宾客的难题破解,被获准和小兰一起参观陈有他设计图的展览馆,交谈中,他感慨30多岁初成名时的作品不够对称称不上完美,并从小兰口中打探到她要与新一在米花大楼约会为新一庆生的诸多细节。  不久,柯南连接数通向新一挑战的电话,对方均告知他已在某地放置会在某时爆炸的炸弹,柯南将危机一一化解后,开始与警方、毛利一起分析到底是何人所为。电视报道其中最为轰动的爆炸案时,柯南由画面联想到所有炸弹放置的地点附近均有森谷帝二自认不完美的作品,心中一惊。众人拜访森谷帝二时,柯南暗中将他的宅邸查看,找出凶犯正是他的证据,原来他是狂热的完美主义者,想亲手毁掉年轻时因妥协设计出的不绝对对称作品,并借机报复没令他的宏伟设计夙愿在西多摩市达成的新一。被抓一刻,森谷帝二的冷笑令柯南醒悟:米花大楼亦是他不完美的作品,小兰正在那里等新一赴约。


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