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黛儿(波姬·小丝 Brooke Shields 饰)从小就是一个处处都不输给男孩子的姑娘,在父亲去世之后,她决定代替父亲完成他的遗愿——参加横跨撒哈拉沙漠的赛车大赛。在当时,女性是不被允许参加这种比赛的,于是黛儿决定女扮男装,并且顺利的上路了。  一路上,黛儿要面对的是无数的危险和困难,与此同时,她还必须小心的保守着自己关于性别的秘密不被队友发现。一场意外中,黛儿遭遇了战乱而成为了敌方的俘虏,一位年轻而又英俊的酋长出手相救,黛儿才得以脱离险境。然而一波未平一波又起,在共同克服难关的过程里,黛儿和酋长之间也碰撞出了激情的火花。
The most vivid pages of Russian history and the establishment and consolidation of Russian state power are associated with the eighteen Russian Tsars of the House of Romanov which include such historic names as Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Nicholas I and Alexanders I, II and III. The dynasty ended with the brutal assassination of the last Tsar, Nicholas II and his family by the Bolsheviks in Ekaterinburg in 1917.  The Romanov dynasty played a hugely important role in world history, and the series highlights the life stories and characters of the tsars, recounting their rise to power and their contribution to the dynasty, their merits and their faults, their achievements and mistakes, their victories and defeats in war.  The series also examines the Russian form of 'Caesarism' as a system of state administration - its advantages and drawbacks and how the Russian state changed under the Romanov's rule.  THE ROMANOVS is told in eight epic one-hour episodes using a unique combination of magnificent CGI animation and dramatic reconstruction with careful and accurate attention paid to each period.
云楼(邓光荣 饰)是从台湾远赴香港念书的青年,借住在父亲的老同学杨伯伯家中。杨伯伯有一个女儿名叫涵妮(甄珍 饰),落落大方温文尔雅的她很快就吸引了云楼的注意,两人坠入了爱河。遗憾的是,涵妮拥有先天性心脏病,随时都有可能发病身亡,这让云楼的内心里始终都有一丝不安。  云楼的父亲向儿子谎称妻子病危,将云楼从香港召回台湾,不知其中隐情的涵妮误以为云楼想要抛弃她,一怒之下心脏病发作撒手人寰。失去了挚爱回到台湾的云楼开始自暴自弃,整日过着行尸走肉般的生活。一天,在超市里,云楼撞见了一名和涵妮有着一模一样样貌的女子。


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