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The story unfolds on post-apocalyptic Earth, after a meteorite collision nearly wipes out all human civilization after setting off nuclear weapons. Following this catastrophe, Connor MacLeod (the protagonist of the original film) and other Immortals swear to renounce the Game of fighting each other until only one Immortal remains to win the Prize. Instead, the Immortals swear to preserve human knowledge and help humanity. They cast away their swords and call themselves Jettators (from the French jette, "thrown away".)  But one Immortal, Kortan, refuses to swear the oath - he still seeks the Prize and now wishes to dominate the world. Connor challenges Kortan to a duel and is defeated and killed, as any Immortal who breaks the oath is destined to die. However, with Connor's death comes the prophecy of the rise of a new Immortal, unbound by the oath, who will defeat Kortan. Uncontested by the Jettators and nigh-unkillable by mortals, Kortan establishes an empire controlling most of the planet, which he rules from his fortress Mogonda.  700 years later, a Highland youth named Quentin is killed trying to defend his clan, the Dundee, from Kortan's slavers. He is the prophesied Immortal and returns to life. His dying mother reveals his true identity to be Quentin MacLeod from clan MacLeod, "The Last of the MacLeods". Quentin meets the Jetattor Don Vincente Marino Ramirez, who becomes his mentor. Ramirez teaches Quentin about Immortals and his mission to confront Kortan, and trains him in combat.  Accompanied by Ramirez, his adoptive sister Clyde, and their pet Gaul, Quentin seeks out the Jettators to gain their Quickening and their knowledge - not by beheading, but by a sharing as MacLeod and the Jettator grasp the same sword simultaneously (although the effects are sometimes just as destructive to the surrounding area). In the wake of a sharing the Jettator becomes mortal and often his or her sword shatters to signify this. With the wisdom of Ramírez and the Quickenings of the Jettators, Quentin may be able to destroy Kortan.  Despite being redesigned to attract a younger audience, the show was surprisingly mature/violent; it wasn't uncommon for minor characters to die, and while Quentin took other Immortals' power and knowledge without also taking their lives, Kortan still did it the old way, by beheading them. In addition, though essentially a good-versus-evil scenario, most of the characters on both sides were more than just black and white heroes and villains. Many of Kortan's henchmen are shown to have good characteristics and feelings - and even on occasion Quentin will be tempted by greed and be selfish, especially when offered the chances of immense power. Of course, ultimately, his good side always wins through. Some episodes involve Jettators making use of a loophole in their oath to challenge Kortan regardless, such as Matsuda, who built a cyborg to fight Kortan in his stead, or Cornell, who changed his name to Orion to be able to fight Kortan.
很久很久以前,在台湾岛上居住着一位名叫奥萨普的老婆婆,她善良和爱,因长年辛苦劳累导致双目失明。即便如此,老婆婆还是每日上山劳作,山里的小动物们都很喜欢她,时不时会帮助老人摘蘑菇。老人的邻居家住着两个顽劣无情的兄弟,他们经常出入山林,惊吓伤害小动物以此为乐,还捉弄奥萨普老人家。不久,兄弟俩打伤一头小鹿的腿,还对其百般虐待。老婆婆出面制止,反遭两兄弟的嘲笑和欺负,更被抢占了椰子园里的椰子。老人家伤心落泪,这时一头拥有神力的水鹿出现,声称要改变两兄弟的恶行。  第二天,两兄弟在山上发现一眼泉水,谁知他们喝了后分别变成瞎子和瘸子,这一回两兄弟可要好好品尝一下身患残疾的痛苦……
十月里一个普通的湿气蒙蒙的日子,广告总监查尔斯(克里夫•欧文 Clive Owen 饰)错过了他的列车,但是在下一列车上,他却因一张车票,结识了金融投资顾问露辛达(詹妮弗•安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston 饰),两人给彼此留下了良好的印象。其时查尔斯的女儿身患糖尿病,他不得不抽出更多的精力照顾女儿,而同时事业上却遭遇了挫折,妻子忙于工作,无暇给予他更多情感上的宽慰。之后的日子里,查尔斯与露辛达时常见面,两个各自有家庭的人越发接近,终于在一次约会后来到了宾馆,但这次独处很快被打破,一个名叫拉洛克(文森特•卡索 Vincent Cassel 饰)的陌生人破门而入,用枪威胁他们,实施了抢劫并强暴了露辛达。担心私情暴露的两人无法依靠法律,而拉洛克的勒索却越发频繁,查尔斯决定用自己的力量,去解决这场危机。


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